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Course for Beginner Photographers Reveals...

How to Capture Stunning Photography With the Camera You Already Own

(Even if it’s the Cheapest Digital Camera You Could Find)
Daniel Nicholson

The very first video changed my whole life as a photographer. It was just what I needed. A light came on for me. This training course is worth 10 fold the price. Thank you.

Daniel Nicholson
  • 99% positive reviews

  • 7,546 students

  • 41 lectures (4.5 hours of video content)

  • 4 FREE bonuses

  • Online & at your own pace

  • Downloadable onto any device

  • Language: English

  • Level: Beginner

Have you ever had a beautiful moment slip away as you were too busy trying to find the right camera settings?

Full auto mode will never do your scene justice.

But using manual mode to capture perfect photos under time constraints is a recipe for disaster.

That was my experience before I mastered my camera. It would never capture what I could see in front of me. I was positive I needed better gear.

But what if I told you that there’s a fun and easy way to master photography, regardless of the camera you use?

And that you can capture breathtaking photography, with nothing more than the most basic gear.

You don’t need a $5,000 camera and lens and you don’t need expensive training.

And I’m going to prove it to you.

Take a look at this…

I took this picture using a camera and lens which cost over $5000.00 (Canon 5D mk IV & 24-70 f/2.8L mk II). As you can see, it’s a great picture, but that’s not because of the camera.

Now look at this… I took this picture just a few seconds later, using a brand new camera which cost just $350 (Canon Rebel T6 & kit lens)…

Hi, I’m Joshua Dunlop, Founder of ExpertPhotography


Ever since I started ExpertPhotography in April 2011, I’ve been on a mission.

To demystify cameras and bring stunning photography to the masses.

Because I know what it’s like to miss precious moments. Fumbling with my camera… struggling with the focus.

I had no choice but to learn photography the hard way. Trial and error, while reading my rather useless camera manual.

(We’ve all been there, right?)

Over the past decade, my team and I have produced thousands of blog posts, several ebooks, and many courses.

And everything has been working up to this…

Introducing: “Photography for Beginners”

(For illustration purposes only; this is an online course with video downloads)

“Photography for Beginners” is a High Definition video course on the art of photography. It shows you how to capture magazine-quality images without being a pro photographer and without fancy equipment.

We don’t fuss about the gear you have or even recommend you buy more of it. The “secret” to exceptional photography is how you use it.

Which is why throughout this course, you’ll see me shooting with the Canon EOS Rebel T6 (AKA the 1300D), the cheapest dSLR I could find.

I will show you my process for using cheap gear to capture professional shots.

Pictures like this…

Some of the skills you’re going to gain include:

  • The exact process I use 98% of the time to set up my camera, regardless of what I’m shooting
  • How to select the perfect exposure for any and every scene
  • Why most focus fall flat… and how to make yours crisp and sharp
  • The do’s and don’ts of white balance and colour
  • And much, much more…

Filmed on location in Greece, you’ll be able to follow along as we capture everything from the ordinary, to the extraordinary.

Even if you struggled in school… or aren’t the greatest at grasping new skills… you’re going to be shocked by how easy it feels to absorb this information.

Although I’ve taught a beginner photography course before, this is completely new material, revised and refreshed with incredible production value.

Here’s what a previous student of my beginner course had to say:

Right now, you’re one step away from photography expertise. These skills are transferable to almost every style of photography you try your hand at.

And you’ll have more mastery over your camera than ever before.

It’s not your camera, it’s how you use it…

Once you understand how a few of your camera’s features work, everything else falls into place very quickly.

I used to throw thousands of dollars into fancy camera equipment, in the hopes it would improve my photography.

I was forever missing shots because I was too busy fiddling with my camera. People get impatient; moments pass.

No one ever wanted to wait for me to find the right settings… I usually ended up sticking it back on auto mode and taking the shot.

My photography suffered, my progress slowed, and I was very embarrassed to have all this gear, and nothing to show for it.

But, after many months, I mastered my camera. I developed a process for taking photos that has produced the wonderful shots I’m proud to show off today.

It doesn’t matter if you’re shooting with a DSLR, Mirrorless, or Bridge camera… the process is the same, regardless of what you’re shooting.

1. You don’t need top of the line gear
2. Blurry photos were down to me, not my lens
3. Choosing the right settings can be easy

My expensive gear used to sit on the shelf, collecting dust.

But after understanding just a few features of my camera, my knowledge snowballed, and I was taking beautiful photos in no time at all.

Take stunning photos with every shot

Picture this.

Before you leave your house, you already know the camera settings you’re going to use, and your camera is set up and ready to go.

You arrive at the location without a single worry about exposure, white balance, or focus… everything falls into place.

You take photos without a second thought.

Less than a minute later, you’ve captured a photo so exciting, you won’t stop shooting until all of your batteries are dead.

15 minutes later you’re playing with different compositions to make your photos more striking.

When you’re done, you have a selection of the most breathtaking… crystal clear… and exciting photographs you’ve ever taken.

Sound far-fetched? That’s what I thought too.

But my simple system has enabled me to take the most stunning photos of my life.

Photography comes naturally to me, and I’m confident I can capture beautiful photos in any location.


There are no shortcuts to experience. But learning how to use your camera, and the fundamentals of photography composition… that can be done in an afternoon.

If You Think Manual Mode Is Difficult and Confusing… Think Again.

The best part about manual mode is you can do much more with it than 95% of photographers realise.

There is so much control at your fingertips, and it’s so fast and easy to make adjustments, you’ll wonder what you ever did without it.

You can take much, much better pictures than you realise. And “Photography for Beginners” shows you how with…

  • Which shooting mode to use and when
  • How the settings work (not just what they do)
  • A quick way to set your camera up for any scene

We don’t just go into detail on how exposure works… we cover every confusing feature on your camera. From shooting, focus, and metering modes to the histogram, white balance, crop factor, and more!

  • Carol Fraser
  • Daleen van Eck
  • Michelle Mayur
  • Niko Wielart
  • Niko Wielart
  • Patrick Joy
  • Rick Wade
  • Suzanne Dommer

"I learned more about my DSLR in the few hours it took me to go through the course than I had in the last 10 years..."

Shirley Cove

I learned more about my DSLR in the few hours it took me to go through the course than I had in the last 10 years. I used to shoot on auto ALL the time. After finishing this course I will likely never use that option again. I shoot mainly full manual now. I’m not afraid to adjust f/stop, shutter or ISO to get the best shot.

I found the simplicity with which you explained everything most helpful. The fact that you didn’t waste time was also refreshing – I wasn’t sitting waiting for you to get to the point. You were clear and concise.

Gordon Heitlinger

Josh is a wonderful teacher. I have only started the beginner course, and wow, am I impressed. I am not a pro and don’t aspire to be. I only want o capture scenes I see ranging from landscapes, to animals, flowers and people. He teaches it all and the results are most photographs I take are impressive, while it used to be that 1 in 1000 was impressive. Josh’s courses are well worth the time and money.

Daniel Nicholson

The very first video changed my whole life as a photographer. It was just what I needed. A light came on for me. This training course is worth 10 fold the price. Thank you.

Master Your Camera for Stunning Photos Everytime (Value $378)

1. Understanding Exposure

In this module, I break down the fundamentals of photography: the exposure triangle.

Follow along as I explain:

  • how the aperture affects the amount of light that’s coming through the lens
  • how to choose the shutter speed in different lighting situations
  • what ISO will grant you the perfect result
  • how each of the 3 elements of the exposure triangle has an effect on each other

2. Your Camera’s Settings

When you buy a new camera, your instinct is to keep on to its manual.

I myself have wasted countless hours fiddling with those pages… only to realize that the information I was looking for was never explained.

After finishing this module, you can forget about your camera manual forever.

What else is included?

New Bonus: The Photo Basics Posters (Value $69)

When you’re getting started with photography, there’s a lot to remember.

But the most complicated topics can be simplified with our training. And now we want to take that one step further…

That’s why we’ve worked with our designer to make these stunning (downloadable) wall posters covering the two most important topics: exposure and composition.

From basic settings to advanced composition, you’ll easily be able to remember the most important concepts!

Bonus #1 - Complete Composition (Value $149)

Knowing the technical side of photography is one thing, but composing it beautifully is a whole new challenge.

Even using something as simple as the rule of thirds can add depth, interest, and an interesting balance between the foreground and the background.

Composition is the reason why a professional photographer can take award-winning photos with a disposable camera.

In “Photography for Beginners”, we’ve dedicated an entire section to help you get started with composition.

We go into detail on... (Click to Open)

  • How to use leading lines for depth and interest
  • A powerful way to connect important parts of the frame with triangles
  • An easy way to make your photos feel uneasy
  • How to create striking scenes with visual weight
  • The secret to making viewers look at your photos for longer

Even if you’ve been confused by composition in the past, we explain everything in a way that makes it fun and easy to remember. You need to know the basic rules and you need to know when to use them. This course gives you both.

Bonus #2 - Shoot This Scene (Value $149)

In Shoot This Scene, we’ve created seven videos covering Landscapes, Portraits, Sunsets, Black and White, Street Photography, Low Light, and Night Photography, and in these videos we show you:

  • How to fill a landscape with depth and interest
  • Creative ways to capture light
  • How to capture dramatic black and whites by shooting in colour

Bonus #3 - 21 Cheat-Sheet Settings (Value $99)

You’re also getting the exact settings I use to capture 21 different kinds of photos, from group photos and cityscapes, to lens flare and light painting.

We explain the exact thought process so you can instinctively make these decisions for yourself.


90 Days Guarantee

I stand behind every product we offer. And having planned and commissioned this course, I’m happy to put the ExpertPhotography name on it.

So I’m putting my money where my mouth is with these two guarantees:

Guarantee #1: If you don’t think “Photography for Beginners” is the best $ you’ve spent on your beginner photography… send me an email. I’ll provide you with a full refund.

Guarantee #2: If you DO what’s recommended, and your results aren’t great, I’ll refund double your money. All I ask is that you give it an honest effort. How’s that for fair?

And these guarantees are good for 90 days after purchase!

Here’s The Amazing Deal We’ve Put Together

If I could give you a guaranteed method for taking some of the most powerful photographs of your life, how much would that be worth?

Taking great pictures is on the bucket list for most people, experienced photographers or not.

Just the other week in San Diego, I captured the sunset, and boy did it impress my friends! It’s the most liked photo I’ve ever posted on my private Facebook profile!

Here, check it out:

When you understand photography, there’s nothing more fun and rewarding. You connect with nature in a new way and really bring your portfolio to life. What more can you ask for?

Here’s the thing, photography education is usually such a complicated area of training, workshops at $499 or more aren’t uncommon.

But that’s nothing compared to the money I wasted on cameras and lenses.

I’ve invested over 1,000 hours into creating this course with my team of videographers, designers and editors, in order to make it easy to grasp.

And now we’re offering it for a very limited price.

Photography for Beginners

Take Stunning Pictures with the Camera You Already Own

The entire course contains: Value
  1. Understanding Exposure (5 Videos / 29 minutes)

  2. Your Camera’s Settings (12 Videos / 81 minutes) 

Total Value: $378.00

Plus... you're also getting these powerful bonuses:

  • The Photo Basics Posters

  • Complete Composition (10 Videos / 39 minutes)

  • Shoot This Scene (7 Videos / 73 minutes)

  • 21 Cheat-Sheet Settings

Total Value: $466.00

A combined value of $844.00

But you won’t be paying $844.00 today. You won’t even be paying $299.00. Or even half of that.

It’s Yours Today For Just $99 🔥

But hurry! Only the first 500 copies are discounted!

Save an amazing $745.00 before the countdown ends.

Get Instant Access to:

“Photography for Beginners”

Yes, I want it! I want access to this course right now!
Sale Price:
$299.00 $99 USD
Your payment is 100% secure.

But There’s A Catch
(Please Read This Carefully)

As you can tell, this is a staggeringly low price. But as I said, there is a catch.

When you get your copy, can you email me your feedback on it? A single sentence would be helpful.

And that’s it. Pretty easy “catch”, right?

I just want to get as much feedback as possible.

For that reason, we only plan to offer this deal for the next 500 customers to get the customer feedback we need.

One Week From Now…

Your portfolio will have some of the most vivid and vibrant pictures you’ve ever taken.

Your confidence will have grown immensely, and you’ll realise just how easily the skills you gained will translate to all kinds of photography.

In short: You’ll be a better, more exciting and more excited photographer.

But only when you choose to act.

I wouldn’t be where I am today, taking stunning photos, if I hadn’t chosen to act.

You have a chance to do things differently. “Photography for Beginners” is your path to becoming a much better, more fulfilled photographer. But it’s up to you to take the first step.

The choice is yours.

Yours Truly,

Josh Dunlop
Founder, Expert Photography

P.S. – You’re getting everything you need to master photography, AND you’re getting Complete Composition, Shoot This Scene, and 21 Cheat-Sheet Settings for FREE. But remember – 500 is the magic number.


Who is ExpertPhotography?

ExpertPhotography was founded in 2011 by Joshua Dunlop.
Since then ExpertPhotography has grown into the world’s largest photography education website with a variety of online courses, ebooks, cheat sheets, presets, and more.

Everything we do here is to make the process of learning photography easier, so you can experience the same joy we do.

We’ve taught photography to 140,000+ very happy and satisfied students over the past 11 years.

Photography has changed our lives, and we hope we can help it to change yours too.

Is this an online course or will you send me DVDs?

This is an online course only. This enables you to access the course immediately, and it enables us to easily add new videos as requested.

Can I download the videos?

Yes! We have downloads for every single video.

Do you offer closed captions / subtitles?

Yes! I’m proud to say that we offer these for all of our online courses.

Does the course expire or will I have lifetime access?

You will have lifetime access and the video downloads ensure that you can watch them on any device, at any time.

May I see the course contents?

Exposure: Introduction, Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, Exposure Summary

Camera Settings: Jpeg Vs. RAW, Focus and Focus Modes, Metering Modes, Shooting Modes, White Balance, The Histogram, Depth of Field, Crop Factor, Focal Length, Prefect Picture Process, Sharp Photos, Tripods

Complete Composition: Rule of Thirds, Triangles, Eye Lines, Visual Weight, Leading Lines, Frames, Filling the Frame, Balance, Horizontal Lines, Symmetry

Shoot This Shot: Landscapes, Portraits, Sunsets, Black and White, Sunrise, Low Light, Night Photography

Plus 7 unadvertised bonus videos 😉

Will this work with my camera?

If you have a DSLR, Mirrorless, or Bridge camera, then this course was designed for you! We cover settings that you will find in your camera.

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